A puzzle, platformer sword game where you must stick to with the sword you have chosen for the whole game to kill enemies, unlock doors and explore a maze-like dungeon.
Play with a friend in this cooperative asymmetrical platformer.
An alien spaceship defender simulator with a uniquely handcrafted console made by Patrick Dinnen.
A puzzle-platformer game where the player must hold their breath in real time whenever their avatar is submerged underwater.
Created for Ludum Dare: it's a game about ESCAPE. Wait, no - it's just a puzzle game. Don't even think about escaping.
Type commands into the system to control it and your place within it.' Created for TOJam 2012.
A short and not-too-difficult platformerish game about perception.
A quick little brutal dodging platformer made in Game Maker. Repeated death is punished severely.
Who are you? It's a game about discovery taken to the limit.
Throw your harpoon. Ride it past trouble. Use it to solve puzzles.
A pretty tough - and not exactly fair, honestly - little dodge 'em up where a crosshair is attempting to hunt you down. Obscuring smoke, as the name cleverly implies, is your friend.
Try to get back home in this dimensional platformer. This game was a prototype challenge with the themes, "loneliness" and "dimensions".
Explore space in a tiny spaceship. Game 3/4 out of an attempt to make a series of ten games made over the holidays.
A game made during [http://www.tojam.ca/history/2013.asp TOJam 2013] where the theme was "uncooperative". You must follow the game's instructions in order to progress through the puzzle.
Try and dodge the bright pink obstacles better than your opponent in this two-player racing game. Game 4/4 out of an attempt to make a series of ten games made over the holidays.
Crush or blow up your friends on a pirate ship in this fast-paced barrel and bomb dropping platformer.
An everlasting descent into the abyss, where you will die. A combat-focused arcade platformer in which you must navitage treacherous terrain and improve yourself in order to survive for as long as ... [more]
Try to get the highest score possible in this square-grouping puzzle game. Game 2/4 out of an attempt to make a series of ten games made over the holidays.
Shoot your opponent before they shoot you in this stealthy, shotgunning game.
Become a space-gardener and fill up your empty world by tending to your space-themed garden.
A minimalist puzzle game about collecting garbage. Game 1/4 out of an attempt to make series of ten games made over the holidays.
A short and simple boss fight. Figure out how to force the invader back from whence it came (space).