Set in the Might and Magic universe, Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes is the first-ever installment developed for the Nintendo DS™ incorporating role-playing elements, adventure and an innovative and ... [more]
Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes takes place 40 years before the Heroes V saga. Scattered across five different regions of Ashan, 5 special heroes must travel their own dangerous paths to grow in ... [more]
A side-scrolling beat 'em up game based on the Scott Pilgrim series of Oni Press graphic novels by Bryan Lee O'Malley.
An action-adventure stealth video game where you play as a master spy.
The United States has a military presence in two-thirds of countries around the world, and some of them have had enough. A group of terrorists calling themselves The Engineers initiate a terror ultimatum called the Blacklist - a deadly countdown of escala
A game where you play as an assassin in historical times.
An open world action-adventure first-person shooter taking place in a country of sprawling mountains and forests.
An action-adventure game where you play as a tribesperson in prehistoric times.
A multiplayer first-person shooter game where you play as a member of a counter-terrorist unit.
An open world action-adventure game where you play as a hacker in a computerized San Francisco.
A hack and slash video game set during the medieval period.