Embark on a colorful rescue mission with your friends in LOVERS IN A DANGEROUS SPACETIME, a frantic couch co-op action space shooter for 1-4 players. Explore a colorful galaxy in a massive neon battleship that you control together by manning turrets, lasers, shields and thrusters. Only through teamwork can you triumph over the evil forces of Anti-Love, rescue kidnapped space-bunnies, and avoid a vacuumy demise. Deep space is a dangerous place, but you don’t have to face it alone! This is the second game from Asteroid Base, a team spawned in Toronto's game jam scene comprised of Matt Hammill (creator of the award-winning Gesundheit! on iOS), illustrator Jamie Tucker, and programmer Adam Winkels, with music by Ryan Henwood.
September 9, 2015
Linux, Mac, PlayStation 4, Windows, Xbox One
GOG.com, PlayStation Store, Steam, Indiebox