Toronto Videogame Database



Games with an overt political theme, usually with a clear analog to real people and events. Commonly overlaps with Newsgames.

11 games are tagged with Political


Art (24)
Autobiographical (7)
Comedy (38)
Drama (7)
Educational (19)
Erotica (4)
Fantasy (31)
Historical (20)
Horror (19)
Medieval (15)
Newsgame (2)
Parody (5)
Political (11)
Romance (8)
Satire (12)
Science Fiction (43)
Slice-of-life (13)
Space (19)
Sports (3)
War and Military (36)
Weird (21)
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Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist


An action-adventure stealth video game where you play as a master spy.


Assassin's Creed Unity


A game where you play as an assassin in historical times.

Far cry 4 box art

Far Cry 4


An open world action-adventure first-person shooter taking place in a country of sprawling mountains and forests.

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The Wizards of Trinity Bellwoods

Chris de Castro

A game about Trinity Bellwoods Park, hipsters and the wizards that collect their cans.

Supreme Ruler: Cold War

BattleGoat Studios

Real-time strategy game using the Cold War as a backdrop.

Supreme Ruler 1936

Real-Time Strategy Game where you must guide your nation through the most violent era in modern history through campaigns and battle scenarios.


Hegemony Rome: The Rise of Caesar

Longbow Games

Hegemony Rome: The Rise of Caesar takes you to the plains and forests of ancient Gaul where the proconsul Julius Caesar wages a decade long war to subjugate the barbarian hordes.

Supreme Ruler Ultimate

BattleGoat Studios

A geo-political real-time strategy game where 1-16 players control of any nation in the world, from World War II through the Cold War and into the near future, as our world lurches from one crisis to the next.

Hegemonyiii raidercampbattle

Hegemony III: Clash of the Ancients

Longbow Games

The Battle for the Ancient World has Begun!

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Pipe Trouble

Pop Sandbox Productions

Pipe Trouble takes a clever new spin on an old arcade classic and uses over-the-top satire to draw awareness and prompt larger mainstream discussion for ongoing real-world issues surrounding the exploitation of natural gas.


Art (24)
Autobiographical (7)
Comedy (38)
Drama (7)
Educational (19)
Erotica (4)
Fantasy (31)
Historical (20)
Horror (19)
Medieval (15)
Newsgame (2)
Parody (5)
Political (11)
Romance (8)
Satire (12)
Science Fiction (43)
Slice-of-life (13)
Space (19)
Sports (3)
War and Military (36)
Weird (21)